Decarbonization in Transportation, Heavy Manufacturing, and Power Sectors

On this episode of Know Power, Patrick Currier speaks with us about the challenges of addressing negative environmental impacts on communities with less political and economic power. We discuss the need for reducing CO2 emissions in the power, transportation, and industrial sectors, and the potential for technological advancements like fusion power. We also address the politicization of energy and offer ways to appeal to different political constituents. Patrick touches on the importance of upgrading old energy infrastructure and the challenges of implementing large-scale transmission projects. Finally, he addresses the concerns of communities that have relied on traditional energy resources like coal and oil, and the need to transition towards more sustainable options while supporting those affected by the shift.
Guest bio: Patrick Currier is a long-time energy and environmental climate lawyer based in Washington D.C., with extensive experience in administrative law and regulatory work for federal agencies. He started his career in private practice before moving to Capitol Hill, where he served as senior energy counsel for Chairman Fred Upton. While on the Hill, he became exposed to emerging technologies in the energy transition, which later became his catalyst for opening his own practice, helping clean energy and infrastructure clients navigate the policy and regulatory landscape in D.C. He now focuses on consulting, lobbying, and advocacy work for clients in the clean energy and advanced energy systems space. Patrick is particularly excited about the clean hydrogen space and the work being done there.
[00:02:32] His early career path from energy lawyer to Capitol Hill staffer
[00:07:45] CO2 reduction in power, transport, and manufacturing
[00:10:12] Why certainty and proof of concept are key for success in markets
[00:12:23] Why engineers need to get involved in politics
[00:16:14] Transitioning from old to new energy
[00:20:45] The cost-effectiveness of hydrogen
[00:25:32] Why reliability is key when selling energy
[00:27:37] Energy bill passed with significant permitting reform
[00:30:53] Transmission build-out needs replacement
[00:35:34] Political and regulatory barriers to fusion power
[00:38:16] Finger-pointing in light of the politicized Texas storm deaths
[00:42:01] Environmental injustices due to industrial pollution
[00:45:12] How widespread willingness to go green is thwarted by political and corporate influence
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