Embracing the Energy Transition: More Renewables Waiting to Come Online

On this episode of Know Power, we explore the complexities of the energy industry and its ongoing transition toward renewables. Travis Kavulla, a public policy expert, shares his insights on the challenges facing the industry, including political tension between state jurisdictions and the need for nimble market structures that facilitate entry and exit of legacy assets. We also discuss the role of integrated resource planning, the reliance on neighboring regions for resource adequacy, and the potential impact of new regulations. Additionally, we delve into the challenges of retail markets and the need for pricing transmission and distribution costs in a time-varying way to ensure efficient network pricing. Finally, we discuss the Retail Energy Advancement League's efforts to improve retail competition in the energy industry and promote reform to maintain appropriate standards of conduct. Join us as we explore the shifting landscape of the energy industry and the challenges and opportunities it presents.
Guest bio: Travis Kavulla is a former state regulatory commissioner who was elected to the office at the age of 26. With his early career experience in utility regulation, Travis went on to head up a think-tank synergy program at the R Street Institute before joining NRG. During his time serving on the Montana Commission, he played a role in getting Western Energy and Balance markets started and regional transmission planning out West. Now leading a team of around 20 people at NRG, Travis is involved in both wholesale and retail markets across North America.
[00:03:43] Learning the ropes of regulatory policy
[00:10:02] Retail Energy Advancement League raises the retail bar
[00:17:27] 75% of customers have smart meters, but rates are not smart yet
[00:25:22] Interdependence in energy market leading to tensions between entities
[00:30:43] The dynamic nature of the energy industry leading to challenges in execution
[00:37:23] How the Eastern market, Western market, and Texas differ
[00:42:15] The need for incentives for reliable energy delivery
[00:47:40] ERCOT facing a resource adequacy issue
[00:54:11] How transmission investment and flattened demand curves save money
[00:58:11] Limited energy consumer choice impeding progress