Welcome to Know Power

Whether we realize it or not, we’re all participants in the global energy economy. The simple act of flipping on a light switch triggers an incredible, corrdinated effort to move power from generators across a nationally coordinated transmission grid to our homes, schools and offices. The need for energy is inate to us as humans and agnostic to things like race, wealth, social status or political affiliation. The energy industry is not. It’sinherently political, incredibly complicated, and chock full of confusing jargon and super-complex math that can be intimidating for even the most wonky among us. But does it have to be this way? Nope. We dont think so.
If your looking for a simple, straight-forward, down the middle conversation about all things energy, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to the Know Power Podcast. This season will bring togther leaders from across the energy spectrum